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Absolute and relative Contraindications for cortical TMS treatment

Absolute contraindications for cortical TMS treatment:

Vagal Nerve Stimulator
VP Shunt/ Magnetic intracranial shunts
Deep Brain Stimulator
Epidural Cortical stimulator
Steel shunts/stents
Cranial metal fragments (i.e. shrapnel, excluding titanium)
Cochlear implant
Aneurysm clips, coils, pipelines flow diversion
Pregnant or breast feeding
Primary brain cancer / metastatic legions in brain (unless palliative care)
Magnetic dental implants
Implanted cardio-verter defibrillators (ICD)
Ocular implants

Relative contraindications

(Requiring closer protocol attention, but not necessarily disqualifying someone from receiving TMS treatment):

History of Seizure or seizure disorder
Titanium shunts/stents
Spinal Cord Stimulator
Hearing aids
Ferrous cortical implants
Magnetic ink tattoo

Baha Cochlear Implant
Bipolar Disorder Type I/II

At Precision TMS, we provide our patients with state-of-the-art facilities and the most educated, experienced, and dedicated healthcare professionals in St. Louis in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for our patients.


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